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I wanted to thank you again for your courtesy and kindness, and to let you know how truly delighted I am with the laser treatment I received from you recently. I have had similar treatment on broken veins on my face before, but treated with electrolysis. This proved to be far more painful (like a bee sting) and resulted in fine ‘scabs’ forming on my face – which although when they cleared was fine, living with them while they healed wasn’t a great experience. Therefore, I will admit to being a little apprehensive, but the laser experience was in total contrast and truly, I hardly felt a thing! I cannot believe how instantaneous the results from the laser are – instead of having to dab concealer on to my nose (particularly as I loathe heavy makeup), to be able to put the lightest of make-up on the very next day was a joyful experience, and I am thrilled with the results. I would not hesitate to have this treatment again, or to recommend it to anybody who has broken veins on their face. I cannot thank you enough for what most certainly for me has proved to be an extremely positive experience.
With kindest regards.
Yours sincerely