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My thought for the day

admin | 22/04/2024

Life is a marathon, if you exhaust your self at the outset, you will not make the finish line!

The expectations of a midface lift

The expectations of a midface lift

admin | 19/09/2023

Midface lift:

This procedure is carried out to lift up the facial skin and the layer investing the facial muscles to give the face a less tired look and younger appearance, effectively setting back time.

It must be taken into consideration that the face does not age in one or another component; however, it ages at one time in all its components and must be treated accordingly. The aging process involves the skin especially if it is sun damaged. Hence, it is not unusual that facelift and mid facelift with eyelids surgery are carried out at the same time

Facelift surgery history and expectations

Facelift surgery history and expectations

admin | 18/09/2023

Facelift surgery:

A facelift is also known as Rhytidectomy a word of Greek origin meaning wrinkle excision. The procedure has passed through an evolution process over the last century.

The effect of gravity, exposure to the sun and stress also show on our face. As folds and lines deepen, drooping occurs at the sides of the mouth. Skin on the neck also becomes looser, and the jaw line becomes saggy causing jowls. One of the first signs of skin ageing is fine wrinkles around the outer eyes area and lips. However the rate at which this occurs differs from

Breast Asymmetry Correction

Breast Asymmetry Correction

admin | 18/09/2023

Breasts Asymmetry Correction;

Breasts Asymmetry is prevalent amongst both sexes; however, with a variable degree of presentation. In the majority of cases it is congenital, i.e. from birth. Men do not normally present for surgical correction.

The majority of women with breasts asymmetry do not normally warrant surgical intervention as it does not affect them or they may not be aware of its presence, as they have become accustomed to its presence, especially when it is mild.

In some patients breasts’ asymmetry is such that it may impact on the patient’s ability to fit a bra, wear a dress;

Dermal Fillers & Facial Rejuvenation

Dermal Fillers & Facial Rejuvenation

admin | 13/09/2023

Dermal Facial Fillers:

In this short article I aim to explain dermal facial fillers, and their uses. It is the first of three posts.  The next publication will explain the different facial fillers on the market, similarities and differences. The third publication will discuss techniques, potential risks and complications of treatments.

Dermal facial fillers have become popularised in the last 10 years. The understanding of beauty and its ratios have given us a different perspective on the way facial fillers have evolved in the last decade. In addition the sophistication of the methods they

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

admin | 11/09/2019

This procedure is the removal of excess skin and fat from the abdominal (stomach), area. It is used to improve the cosmetic appearance of the stomach including the umbilicus. It has gained more popularity in the private sector over the last few years due to restrictions imposed in the NHS on offering this surgery due to the lack of funding. I have noticed a significant increase in the numbers of this type of surgery in my private practice over the same period.

The abdominoplasty procedure also includes tightening of the sheath of tissue that surrounds the abdominal muscles which brings